zaterdag 26 augustus 2017

Bericht van Cristi

Dear Mr. Maarten,

 Thank you so much for the transport you have sent. It is amazing. 

Last morning we arrived home and yesterday we looked to see what you have sent and it is absolutely great. 

The pasta is also amazing. Alina made some yesterday and the children did not stop eating from it. 
Matrases are amazing and we will change a lot in the house because many are quite old and not so good anymore, and we will give to pore people in the area too , we will send you pictures too. 

The baby food is great. We need that all the time and sometimes I receive phone call from different villages for that and people come in town from big distances for baby food. The reason is that in farmacy it is very expensive baby food. So they  do not have the money to buy it , but we give away for free so it is nice for them to come. 

A lot of sultana and that is a great joy. On the 4 of September we will have a camp like last year with the church and here we will use sultana a lot as desert at the main meal . So thank you so very much for that amazing gift too. 

I saw a lot of tools and many new things, THANK YOU , THANK YOU.  It is amazing a great transport and I can not thank you enough for that. 

Lots of Biciclete for children and that is good fun too. 

Dear Mr Maarten , I will deliver all the nice stuff you ave sent and I will make pictures of that and send them to you. 

Thank you so much and to your great team of people and all who donate and Mr Van Den Heerik for allowing to use the trucks to deliver. All this is amazing help for our area. 

Thank you from our hearts , 

 Cristi and Alaina and all our children . 

vrijdag 25 augustus 2017

De Deutz tractor

Gisteren ontving ik van Attila een berichtje en wat foto's over de Deutz tractor die we een paar jaar geleden gekregen hebben van Kees en Gerrie Groot. Leuk om te zien en te lezen dat hij het zo goed doet. De oogst van het land gebruiken ze vooral t.b.v. het maaltijdenproject voor ouderen en de 120 (!) kinderen van de naschoolse opvang in Getz.

Dear Maarten,

The current land of the social kitchen is 5,4ha. Out of this 2ha potatoes, 1ha vegetables, and 2,4ha sunflower. Borsi Attila is in the charge, he is responsible for the work being done, for the work in the spring two tractors were used: Deutz and Fiat (own). We used the Deutz to prepare the soil, so basically ploughing.

We really take care of the Deutz tractor, I only let the professional people on the farm to use it (as you can see on the picture as well).
I started picking the potatoes this week with the Deutz tractor and I used the potato-picking machine bought by you, which works like a champ.

I am looking forward seeing you!

Best regards,


Hier de foto's De Deutz Tractor